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Laser cutting machine

FPC series laser cutting machine

The equipment is a special model for flexible circuit board, QR code and characters.
It is mainly used for cutting and forming covering film (CVL), flexible plate (FPC), soft and hard bonding plate (RF), and thin-layer plate. It can also be used for cutting various substrates, such as ceramics, silicon wafers, Teflon, etc.

Equipment characteristics
·Light spot is thin, cold light cutting, and thermal effect is small.
·Fully enclosed light path, graphics can be spliced, high precision.
    Equipment characteristics
    01 Powerful laser performance
    Non contact cutting, thin light spot, small thermal effect
    02 High precision and efficiency
    Equipped with linear motor, high speed, high-precision production
    03 Professional cutting software
    CCD vision, splicing and cutting, powerful manufacturing process.
    04 Customizable high
    Optional nanosecond, ultraviolet, CO2 and fiber lasers.

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